May You Live in Interesting Times

The Canadian parliament sits again
on the start of Chinese New Year.
From Bush's infamous Year of the Rat
to Obama's Year of the Ox never fear;
the old Chinese curse; it's just old hat.

While Obama arrives in the Year of the Ox;
to help America pull up its socks.
Harper now has a better model to follow
than his previous idol with goals so hollow.

Obama arrives on his multi-breed steed;
to opt for smart power; not based on greed.
Rather than a Quixotic war on terror;
that proved to be a lie based error;
to show Bush and Americans a better way;
to win friends and influence people;
to work towards a much better day.
Obama, Obama please take it away.

Show Harper, us and the world;
a new American dream unfurled.
Show by example not intimidation;
how to have a better great nation.

Rinse that sour taste from the U.S. psyche
of illegal, unwinnable bankrupting hostility.
Fight for justice; fight for the economy;
Fight for good water; fight for good air;
Fight against poverty; fight for equality;
Fight for enlightenment and better health care.

Restore American justice to something of pride;
not something like Gitmo and its torture to hide.
Do what you can towards a better planet;
The ideas abound and run the gamut.

Rather than warring and making new foe;
Show by example; don't adopt their M.O.
It's a tall order in which you have part;
Most of all restore the American heart.

To put an end to this rather long word foray; I nominate Obama honorary Canadian for a day.