The Common-sense Harris-meant Blues
Hey, Mr. Harris, what've you done for us? You messed with our water; messed with our air; Messed with the homeless; as well as home care. Messed with our heads; don't think it's quite fair; Deny it all with a say-nothing flair.
Revolutioned this; revolutioned that; Even "common-sense"; how about that? May seem absurd; now a dirty word. Messed with our hospitals; even our schools; Demonize victims; con-vert them to ghouls. You snow us all year; not just in winter; Social conscience now in land of the hinter.
Purchase us with our own hard earned dollars; Then spend lots of it on well worded spins. You ignore most of those public hollers; And tell us how much the other guy sins. Feed our suspicions with simple piety; Quietly build a redneck society.
Common sense says not in for much longer; Made those changes, but not made us stronger. We'll all have our say next election day; Bye to the chief culprit and fear-monger.
Not that impressed with the Liberals too; But they've gotta do it better than you. Hope I'm not oversimplifying as you; Or I'll need to question my common sense too.
Author: Jim Roy Date: 15 Sept. 1996 Phone: (613) 829-3725 Availability: This lyric is available at no charge for use by any blues performers who can compose a blues tune to fit the theme of the lyric. All I ask is that you let me know if you've been able to use it as part of an original composition, give me author credit if the song gets published and provide me with a tape of the song once you have done a recording you are happy with.
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