The Sugar Daddy Sugarplum Blues
forward to one fine dance partner pal; Maybe one real fine Sugardad/Sugarplum gal. Sometime dance 'round' town the night away; Always we are ready to play; Dance to fun tunes like Mustang Sal. She calls me sugar dad guy; I call her my Sugarplum pal. Not yet her sugar dad guy; just a friend to Sugarplum gal. |
daddy and Sugarplum; |
daddy and Sugarplum; |
lookin' high and low you know; Maybe some other time and place; Find my new fine blues fightin' gal; Cure my blues that sugar plum face. |
daddy and Sugarplum; On the dance floor shake your bum; Or just go on and shake your booty; If it's lotsa fun; ain't no duty. Enjoy the booty shakin' fun; That starts when the music's begun; Then my coolest Sugar Plum pal; Will give all she has for Mustang Sal. <P> |
Jim Roy 161 McClellan Rd. Nepean, Ont.
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