Zeeza, an independent musician, performance artist, vibrant and talented soul from Quebec, Canada who redefines sexy and pours raw emotion out of her music into your eardrums like an old and deep river flows water over the land. She draws upon sources of creativity as old as time, and falling under her musical spell is like succumbing to the undertow of euphoria.
Zeeza has had more than one hundred thousand visitors to her online
website in the past two years, and has made thousands of dollars in
payback earnings. She was chosen one of the best acts of mp3.com in
With eight albums and countless hours of music to her credit
(most of which is freely available online), she can vocally dance
between French and English as easily as she spins a web of moist
lust from one side of her mouth while painting the flight of doves
to the angelic hosts of heaven from the other.
Though she completely
defies categorization or stereotype, her music can be compared in
some ways to folk, blues, jazz, experimental pop, country, rock, and
all of it mixed with spices from some mad Cajun family's cupboard.
Her collaborative work with Harvey Mandel* is not to be missed
(*Harvey Snake Mandel, a
pioneer of modern electric blues from Chicago, He has performed
with many blues legends including Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters,
Otis Rush, Albert King, and Buddy Guy.
One of Mandel's
most significant session credits was his participation
on Black and Blue, the 1976 LP from The Rolling Stones.) Zeeza's
talent is constantly blossoming like a lotus caught in a time-warp.
She will melt you from the inside out.
bio from a review by Zachsmind.
I am looking for experienced professional female or male musicians.
Preferably from age 35 up. Bass, percussions, blues and everything
in between type guitarist, cello or violin. I sing and play some
acoustic guitar. I sing in many flavors; jazz, blues, rock, native,
folk, Pagan, reggae and some French, mostly original material with
some covers. You must be able to drive to Luskville, Quebec for
practice (for now). I am looking for matured hip, down to earth
musicians who love making
music, good sense of humor laid back
and artistic but very professional also. You must have a natural
feel for the blues, jazz and soul and be able to create your own
solos. I am a Professional singer/songwriter and I've recorded
with a major artist. I need a top professional band for serious
gigs and recording. If you think you've got the goods, call me please.
also looking for a manager for this new band.
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