B.L.U. ALLEY (Blues Lyrics Unpublished)

This area is devoted to budding blues writers who have written blues lyrics, with or without a blues tune, that they wish to share with other blues fans or performers.

I've contributed some lyrics of my own. The place is getting a bit crowded, tho' with only mine.

I invite anyone interested to send me any they wish to offer for appreciation and possible feedback by the blues community, including other writers, blues artists and fans. Click on and send them to:

I'll add your lyrics to this area as soon as I can after receiving them. Submissions should be in the general format I've set out with my own lyrics. This includes author name, date and availability.

I'm offering my own creations for free use by any composers of blues music, but if you wish to put any restrictions on yours, this should be clearly stated in the availability statement.

Blues Lyrics Unpublished or Unsung at a Paid Performance

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